Westlawn Elementary, Theron Jones Early Literacy Center, & Dunbar Early Education Center Back to School Bus Tour
Friday, August 5
Teachers & Staff will be handing out...
For more information, contact:
Westlawn - 903.223.4252, Theron Jones ELC - 903.793.4871 or Dunbar EEC - 903.794.8112
Here's where you will find us...
5:05 - 5:20 PM - Bright Street Homes & Hampton Homes (stopping at both locations)
5:25 - 6:05 PM - The Oaks, Pecan Ridge, & Rosehill Ridge (stopping at all 3 locations)
6:10 - 6:25 PM - Beverly Neighborhood (coming down Wheeler Street from New Boston Rd. to the Community Garden)
6:30 - 6:45 PM - Beverly Community Center/Park
6:50 - 7:00 PM - Woodbridge Apartments